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Tips For Maintaining Your Parking Lot To Prolong Its Life And Improve Its Appearance

Your parking lot gets a lot of wear and tear. Heavy vehicle traffic and constant exposure to sun and weather gradually wear down the asphalt. Cracks, fading, and potholes develop and make your property look neglected. Keeping your parking lot in good repair is possible by having it serviced regularly. Here are some tips for maintaining your parking lot.

Keep It Clear

If trees hang over your lot or if people throw trash on it, the leaves and debris can create problems if they're not cleaned off regularly. Besides looking messy, leaves can block drainage grills and cause water to stand on the lot. Set up a schedule for having the parking lot swept so it is kept free of debris and sand. Keeping the lot clean also helps drivers see parking lines and directional arrows which could be important if your lot is busy.

Repair Cracks And Potholes

Cracks and potholes will develop as your lot ages, but they can be repaired. They should be fixed when they're small or they will keep growing and they may cause more extensive damage by allowing water to drain under the asphalt. Cracks can usually be repaired with a filler and holes can be filled in with asphalt. This not only protects your lot and keeps it looking nice, it prevents tripping hazards that could injure your customers.

Apply New Sealcoating And Stripes

The sun fades an asphalt lot and robs its rich black color. This color is restored by adding a sealcoat. You may need this done every few years depending on how much wear your lot receives. The sealcoating is not only for the sake of appearances, it also protects the asphalt from UV rays and rain. After the coating is applied, the lot will need new stripes and traffic arrows applied. This is a good time to change the location of the lines so the same parts of the lot don't receive the constant weight of tires. Plus, keeping the lines and arrows bright and easy to see helps traffic move through your parking lot in an orderly way.

Resurface With New Asphalt

When your parking lot is several years old or if it's been neglected, then applying a sealcoat may not be enough to restore its surface. When that happens, you can have a new layer of asphalt applied to prolong the life of the lot and postpone the need to install a new lot for as long as possible.

By following these parking lot maintenance tips, you keep your lot in good repair so you reduce your liability for accidents and you create a good first impression on your customers when they're greeted with a clean and attractive parking lot.
