Paving Your Driveway More Successfully

Resurface, Seal, And Maintain Your Grocery Store's Asphalt Lot

You should have your grocery store's parking lot resurfaced if damage to asphalt is noticeable and the rich color of the pavement has faded. A parking lot paving job can be completed in segments if you do not wish to close down your business while the project is underway. After the resurfacing is complete, enforce slow driving speeds and delegate cleaning tasks to your clerks.

Receive An Assessment And Make Preparations

Prior to the start of the resurfacing project, have the store's lot assessed by a paving contractor. The severity of the asphalt damage and any custom instructions that you have for the contractor can be addressed during the inspection. Since you plan on keeping your store open, you and the contractor will need to map out a schedule that involves repairing and sealing various parts of the pavement at specified times.

Use cones or flag markers to outline areas that your clients and employees are prohibited from driving on. Post signs near the lot's entrance that direct drivers to park their vehicles in a designated area. Before the project is underway, remove carts and waste receptacles from the lot and transport the items into the store. 

Take Pride In The Lot's Appearance

Prohibit drivers from speeding, littering, or causing damage to the resurfaced and sealed lot. Signs that appoint a speed limit and illegal dumping will curb most negative behaviors, but if you are alerted to the fact that someone has failed to obey your orders, approach the person in question and be assertive when voicing your concerns.

If litter has always been an issue in the past, invest in some larger waste receptacles and place them in a few outdoor locations. Unfortunately, sometimes people are just purely lazy and tend to toss items onto the ground if they are unable to locate a trash can, so making sure that there are plenty of receptacles for your clients to use may drastically reduce trash issues.

Tell your clerks that you are going to implement a cleaning schedule that basically involves removing and replacing full trash bags from receptacles, walking through the lot and picking up trash that is on the pavement, and sweeping the walkway that leads to the store's entrance.

The cleaning tasks should be performed when the store opens for the day and just before closing. Assign your workers in groups of two and rotate the cleaning responsibilities on a daily basis. 
