Paving Your Driveway More Successfully

4 Ways To Protect Your Asphalt In The Winter

Harsh winter weather can be hard on your asphalt. Luckily, there are steps you can take to protect your asphalt from the worst wear and tear caused by winter weather.

#1 Clean Your Asphalt Before It Snows

Before it snows, get out there and clean your asphalt. Remove all debris and dirt from your driveway. Large debris can actually freeze and stick to your asphalt, causing damage.

It is also easier to remove snow from your asphalt driveway when leaves and other debris are not hidden under the snow. Debris can also damage your snowplow and your asphalt, so be sure to clean things up before it snows.

#2 Patch Up Cracks

Next, repair any cracks or damage to your driveway. Every little crack or pothole is a pathway that allows water into your driveway. When water gets below the surface of your driveway, it freezes and expands. When this happens, the cracks and damage in your driveway will increase. A small crack at the start of winter can turn into a big gaping crack by the end of winter if you don't fill it in.

Pick a warm day and fill in any cracks or holes in your asphalt driveway with cold patch. This will help ensure these cracks and holes don't get worse over the course of the winter.

#3 Watch How Water Flows

Throughout the winter, watch how water flows over your driveway. If you notice water pooling up in one area, see what you can do to redirect the water. You may need to redirect where the water is going when it flows out of your downspout. You may need to reinforce the ditches around your driveway. See what you can do to get the water to flow into the proper channels instead of pooling up on your driveway.

When water pools up in one area, it compromises the integrity of the asphalt over time. When water pools continually all winter in one spot, potholes are a common consequence.

#4 Shovel Frequently

Don't let the snow pile up on your driveway. Standing snow is not good for your driveway. Shovel or use a snow blower to remove snow from your driveway before it has a chance to melt.

When you get a really big snowstorm that is projected to dump multiple inches of snow, it can be easier to clear your driveway throughout the storm. It's a lot easier to remove a few inches of snow from your driveway than it is to remove a foot of snow all at once. That's why it's a smart idea to clear your driveway as the snow is falling during a big snow storm. Removing snow as quickly as possible will prevent the snow from melting and damaging the surface of your asphalt driveway.

Keep your driveway in good shape this winter by cleaning and patching your asphalt before the snow hits. Once winter is in full swing, remove snow before it has a chance to melt, and watch out for pooling water. Work with asphalt paving contractors to keep your driveway in great shape.
