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Warehouse Striping Can Improve Safety

A warehouse is a large space full of plenty of moving parts. Given this dynamic, safety is often a big concern in these types of environments. While guidelines, protocols, and training sessions are all important ways to exercise safety, there is something far more practical that you can also do to improve safety, and it comes in the form of warehouse striping.

Designate Pathways

One reason for safety concerns in a warehouse is that there is just as much large equipment moving through the space as there are people. Consequently, if someone is not paying attention, they could easily collide with a piece of equipment and suffer significant injuries. 

Warehouse striping is an excellent option for designating pathways for both equipment and people so that the two do not end up in the same areas. Not only will this step keep the team safer, but it will allow your operators to work more efficiently since they will not have to spend as much time navigating around people.

Hazard Zones

There are some areas within a warehouse environment that are not safe; these areas are sometimes referred to as hazard zones. Some common hazard zones in warehouses include loading and unloading areas, spaces around automated equipment, and blind spots, such as those around corners where large equipment sometimes travels.

Warehouse striping installed around these areas is ideal because it sends a clear message to your staff that these are spaces that they should not be in. While you can inform your staff of these no-go zones during training, a constant reminder on the floor that they should stay away is much more effective.

Tripping Hazards

There are several other measures that can be used in a warehouse to designate pathways and hazard zones. Yet, not all of them are as safe as warehouse striping. For example, speed bumps are sometimes installed on floors to provide a visible marker. 

The problem with these raised options is that if a person is not aware they are there, they can easily trip over the hump and fall to the floor. If you want to improve safety in your warehouse, use warehouse striping. Warehouse striping rests flat on the floor so there is no need to worry about it creating a tripping hazard. As a result, it is a safer option for fast-moving environment. 

Contact a company that offers commercial warehouse striping services in your area to learn more. 
